UCSN’s Annual Inner City Barbeque


Urban Core Support Network Edmonton is currently looking for volunteers to help out during our Inner City Barbeque. The barbeque will take place at Giovanni Caboto Park on Friday, July 19th from 11:30AM to 3:00PM. During the event, volunteers will take on the following responsibilities:

·         Maintaining the park throughout the barbeque and cleaning up after the event

·         Security

·         Cooking, preparing and distributing food

·         Distributing juice and water

·         Setting up and taking down tables at the barbecue’s Children’s Safety Fair

The deadline to register as a volunteer for this event is Friday, July 12th. If you would like to help out, please ask our Volunteer Coordinator Stephen MacDonald for a volunteer form. You can reach him by email at stephenm@edmontonsocialplanning.ca.